How Helping and Spreading Can Help You: Be a game changer for Humanity
Effective Altruism: The Aid for the Future.
“Everyone wants to do good, but many ways of doing good are ineffective.” —
We all want to create a legacy worth remembering. But the question is: who is it aimed for?
That´s how you decipher the quality of your goals, thoughts, actions, and the craft you are building.
Do you want to create a legacy that´s worth more than gold? Spread human value, spread wellness, guidance, aid. Construct community, not light connections.
What exactly is effective altruism?
Effective Altruism is a project aimed to find the best practices to help others. Creating better life conditions. Developing a world where values and ideals are shared among its people.
It´s creating a community where growth is for the better, for all, and worth developing.
“By thinking carefully about the best ways to help, we can do far more to tackle the world’s biggest problems.” —
Our career choices have a great impact on tackling the world´s leading problems.
Problems that are rooted in the lack of a common vision for growth and community in today´s society.
Choosing a career that suits us and more importantly, motivates us to act each day, is the fuel needed to start caring.
It´s not only about us as individuals, but about our relationship with others as a community.
One small action you make, one small donation, one small change in behavior can lead to 100 times more impact.
Our position in life determines the possibility of the impact you can spread. Many of us are capable of helping grow several lives.
“1% reduction in my income increases the income of a hundred people by one percent and that provides a hundred times as much benefit.” Will MacAskill.
Helping doesn´t mean living in poverty, doesn´t mean living in chaotic conditions. If we live in wellness, why is it too difficult to share some of it? Creating an impact on others, lighting up their vision, their path; it´s an overall greater impact than keeping all of it for our own growth.
In the end, a life without any kind of sharing is worthless. Just think about any of your relations: friends, family, even with yourself. Aren´t they based on sharing? On giving an opportunity for their present and future?
All the things you put out to the world translate into the things the world will put out for you. You create your own path, that´s for sure.
Will you construct a path of synergy, impact, meaning, growth, kindness, judgment, and happiness?
Choosing to grow along others is investing in your own life. People will always remember the love they´ve received.
That´s why an overall strong community is so powerful and so meaningful: it creates a small world where the objective is shared. Where your path and the path of the community are aligned and enriched each time.
It´s okay to look out for our well-being, for the well-being of our family, and loved ones. But that in itself is helping. That is an example of caring and sharing.
Sure, they are people known to us, but if those people are already “safe”, why do we lock our vision down and do nothing for the rest?
Most of the scenarios drawn about helping others are the exceptions to the rule. They put extreme cases of study, and in reality, (for the majority of people privileged enough to help others) their decisions are based on self-desires or aspirations. Neglecting the huge impact and difference they could make.
If there´s a world where you are chosen randomly to be in any social and life position… we might as well desire that every one of us cares and helps each other.
There´s no doubt that effective altruism could change the world for the better. Give effective altruism a space in your life, and you might as well find a new meaning that lasts.
If you would want to expand on these and more insights, here are some useful and recommended resources: Effective Altruism.
⤴️ The Weekly Update
📚 Be unreachable. This means defining your limits for distraction. Either you let others dictate your day, or you dictate your course of action.
Define clear schedules: when you are available for reach, work, go-outs, and other related activities. You´ll see how your time becomes more meaningful.
💡 Choose what you are going to pay. Every decision comes with a price. Sometimes it can be so minimum we don´t notice it, but you´ll regret not investing time into asking what are those tiny costs that overall can turn your life sideways.
Be aware of the costs you are dealing with.
🎙️ Episode #232 of Deep Questions, a podcast by Cal Newport. Cal goes through numerous reasons as to why lumberjacks have an overall more meaningful job and quality of life than many other professions out there. It might surprise you what changes you can make for you to craft this kind of meaning!
⚔️ What I´ve worked on this week
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, and also the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create on a daily basis.
Only valuable stuff, that´s my oath.
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✏️ Previous Life Brew
Hey, you might want to check it out =)
💭 The Lonely Reflection
Helping construct others the life they deserve
is the best gift you can give to humanity.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
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Thanks for tuning in. Let´s make this time a great one.
See you on the next Life Brew, until then: