If being an example is hard, imagine being a broken dreamer
Take the lead, it just requires some faith, and some love.
When it all boils down to these two options: keeping and putting the hard work in or letting it all go for a while, it can be very tempting to choose the latter after some time keeping the fight on.
After some time walking down the path of the development of a strong mind and will, I knew hard days were meant to come. And that I was preparing all along to face them.
It didn´t matter if I was ready or not. It didn´t matter if I could carry all the decision-making, all the consequences and actions involved.
It didn´t matter at all, because those times are the ones defining the quality of the growth I´d been trying to construct.
And just like me, you can start wandering what if you don´t feel ready for those face-offs? What if you are too tired of leading, of improving, of challenging yourself day after day?
You´ve rested, you´ve worked incredibly hard, you´ve planned smart, and even though you want to achieve a promise no long ago made, you still feel anxious or down deep inside.
That´s the beauty of the path you chose. You chose to be different. You chose to start a war with yourself. You chose to win that war every time it could be necessary for you to not let down others, for you to not let down your capacity.
That comes with a price. Those late nights alone, those hard truths you speak to yourself. Those memories you force to re-live, to recreate.
All the motivation you count on is based on the promise of not letting yourself be corrupted by any darkness inside you.
And to rise every day and say to yourself and the world: it´s not over, I´m still here, I´m still doing it; that´s scary, valiant, and most of all, incredibly strong.
I believe you should be scared. You should be anxious. You should be full of doubts, full of weight in your back. Why? Because it gives you (believe it or not) the support and courage you need to take another step, and another, and another.
Without fear, there´s no courage.
When I called one of my best friends, explaining how exhausted I was, I thought it was my weakest moment, my deep, shallow time.
He carried on with that courage I needed. He told me everything I needed to hear: Hey, listen, man, you´ve gone through a lot, we´ve gone through a lot, and you know what I see in you? Progress, relentless success, relentless spirit.
That just hit me. I have a responsibility to him, to the ones I care about, to my family, to my community. It´s hard to move on sometimes, for sure.
But this constant reminder of you changing not only yourself, but for yourself and others, and most importantly, the reminder that you can spread motivation and positive progress in others, is more than enough fuel to keep moving forward.
Now, if you are being an example for yourself, for others, I tell you this: take a moment. If you feel like you have fallen, it´s okay, stay there. Ask yourself how many times it has been, and how many times you´ve gotten up.
Being an example must be hard, but being a dreamer of change and not taking the actions it needs to make it a real promise, is so much harder.
⤴️ The Weekly Update
📚 “Uber-technology” - This concept by Evgeny Morozov, where he describes the technopoly we are living in as a fanatical ideal of progress-driven sense, without really putting into scope what the capabilities, possible uses, and consequences it might bring. (Cheers for a better future, I guess?)
💡 Creativity is alchemy but with ideas. Yet another mindful reflection from The Dankoe. In its time, alchemy was seen as a magical yet perilous thing to practice, one that involved vision, but also madness. In today´s creator economy, these two powerful concepts can make a huge difference in all your practices, magician.
So, learn, practice, recharge, and make some art with your magic.
🎙️ Episode #616 of Modern Wisdom with Chris Williamson - First of all, congrats to Chris, he has made superb work, showing up every time and sharing with us magnificent stories and conversations that otherwise would be untold; helping us grow wiser every day.
In this episode, he answers some questions like modern dating: standards, highs, lows, true love, soulmates; progress, success, mind-action correlation, life design, the story behind the story, and so much more. Go and delight yourself with the episode!
⚔️ What I´ve worked on this week
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, and also the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create on a daily basis.
Only valuable stuff, that´s my oath.
📸 Instagram ☑️ Twitter ✨ TikTok
✏️ Previous Life Brew
Hey, you might want to check it out =)
💭 The Lonely Reflection
Love is the ultimate proof that magic exists.
You can have pain and chaos,
at the same time that fulfillment and connection.
It´s a beautiful sacrifice.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
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Thanks for tuning in. Let´s make this time a great one.
See you on the next life brew, until then: