Life as a Set of Cards: The Responsibility of Being a Good Player
“With great responsibility, comes great power.” You entered the game one way or another, make it a legacy worth remembering.
Life is like a game of cards. There´s a deck for everybody. Some might get better cards than others. Some might get the worst cards there could possibly exist.
And for those who received the “worst” cards, it can be easy to neglect them. To complain about the luck they have in dealing with those cards. They go on a journey to amend this, now with fewer or not even cards at all.
The beauty inside this game of life is that no matter the cards you were given, the choices you make with those cards determine the value of the game you are playing.
For sure, there are stages of the game where no card at all is going to make you win. Or stages where no matter how good the decisions you take are, you´ll always end up nowhere near the path you sought.
But even if life gave you cards to start the game, you aren´t required to hold of those cards for “winning” or finding amusement and fulfillment in the game.
There are risks and consequences of losing these cards, of trading them for new ones. Of finding another set of cards along the way; But that´s how you live the game.
The people who consistently make the best decisions with what they are given, despite every thought of losing what they have... are the ones who move ahead in the game.
They thought, they analyzed, but they executed, knowing it was the best move they could make.
And these people could have gotten the worst set of cards. Yet, they still managed to somehow win the game they were playing.
So, value the cards you are given, because it is a start. A good one. You can start with no cards at all, but that isn´t the thing stopping you from playing.
You can observe, learn, adapt.
When you grab your first card to compete in the game the way you wanted to... you´ll understand the power behind you as a player, not of the cards you have in your possession.
Are you going to start now? Choose wisely.
⤴️ The Weekly Update
📚 Having a community passionate about reading. I´ve been watching some amazing book haul videos, and I wanted to share this passion with you.
Having these communities of learners can really elevate our lives. Reading is more than finding time to relax, it´s expanding our minds to new and beautiful horizons.
Don´t neglect a good book. Read a little bit every day, I promise it´ll ignite some hidden passions. Happy reading friend.
💡 The toughest battles are for the strongest warriors. We can cry all we want about the different mountains each one of us needs to face. But the question is… who better than us to face them? We should seek to be the best warriors out there on the battlefield. Let´s make it count.
🎙️ How many failures you´ve had? Is it not a mistake to ask this? Well, there´s no victory or lessons without a setback. So start recognizing any errors you might have encountered. There are valuable teachings hiding behind.
You can construct the perfect idea all at once, yet the perfect lessons one step at a time.
⚔️ What I´ve worked on this week
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, and also the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create on a daily basis.
Only valuable stuff, that´s my oath.
📸 Instagram 📹Youtube #️⃣ Twitter ✨ TikTok
✏️ Previous Life Brew
Hey, you might want to check it out =)
💭 The Lonely Reflection
Time flies. And all of our adventures can´t wait.
Should we fly now? Should we stay?
Listen to this kid: live your time.
Day in, day out.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
🧭 If you enjoyed what you read and found real value, please, be my guest and share your read with a friend or special person.
⏯️ If this talk was sent to you, stick to the journey, and consider subscribing for more life stories, lessons, chats, and so much more!
Thanks for tuning in. Let´s make this time a great one.
See you on the next Life Brew, until then:
I absolutely adore this analogy.