My First Ever Book & The Lessons It Brought Me(Pt III)
Don´t let others tell you a different story. Here´s how I did it.
We learn many things in life.
Back when I was starting the draft of the book, I knew those lessons would be hard.
How foolish I was.
Those lessons seemed hard, but now I know how they really feel.
When it comes to distilling these final lessons, I´m sure most of you could feel inspired by the rich stories in them.
Or you could feel drained by the long voyage you´d need to take.
In both cases, you can retrieve more than a treasure out of here.
You can now know what´s possible. And what you are capable of re-imagining. That´s the beauty of it.
At last, the final lessons. Here we go.
I needed to become the book.
There´s no better explanation for this than life itself.
I needed to become the book before I could even start writing it.
It´s the best way to start making something beautiful with each word. With each lesson, I shared inside its pages.
Alex Hormozi has this quote: “Have undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. That you do what you say you do.”
If you want to engage with a community of learners, you need to be a person who loves to learn and challenge your mindset too…
If you want to express what love could be… as a friend of mine once told me, you need to be in love. Act with and for it.
So that´s what I did.
For the entire process, I wanted to experience each one of the feelings.
And if I already knew how they felt, I would then dive into their feeling. Into their memories, every scar, every sentiment.
It wasn´t easy, nor nice at times. But it made me feel human.
Connected. Alive. Dreaming of more. Hoping to live all over again. And that was when I knew, I had become the book.
I´m not the author. I´m not the writer. I´m the narrator.
If you are playing the game of writing online, you should know by now that it isn´t about your stories.
It´s all about how you can share them, share your unique experiences and knowledge alongside the desires, dreams, and visions your reader has.
I´m the curator of the feelings and reflections. I´m the one describing them.
Pouring my soul into them. Yet knowing that once I already felt them, I could know what my reader wanted.
I knew they wanted to connect as humans. They wanted to share deep emotions.
Meaningful discovery moments. So that´s were I went looking for.
Ask this to yourself: which is the ultimate who and why for my actions?
What is the final purpose?
You´ll find that your story might need some changes.
Yet your message will speak nonetheless.
It all could have been possible, or not.
Lastly, it all could have been possible.
Or it all could haven´t.
I could have written the most beautiful of books.
And it could have flopped.
I could have failed at writing it.
Or I could have done a classic yet not extraordinary collection of paper and thoughts for myself and a few others.
And all of that couldn´t have really mattered for me less.
I wanted my craft to be a little peek into my journey.
My thoughts.
My story.
All by letting others know it’s their story.
Their battles.
Because there´s no better feeling than knowing your words, your vision can have an impact on others as well.
That you can touch souls with your actions.}
That´s what mattered most in the book.
Some final thoughts.
Here we are. The final chapter of this series has come to an end.
The main takeaways from this read:
Let your actions speak louder than your words and embrace the persona you´d want to be. One thought and action is taken each time.
Focus on what/who/why you are targeting your steps. Sometimes a change in perspective can lead to the greatest of destinations.
Place harmony at the top. Fill your life with the pieces that will make your heart beat with joy each time.
Because it´s not about having time but using it accordingly.
I´m so grateful for having you here. Every week.
You reading this means that I´m walking in the right direction.
And that indeed, we are changing the world, or at least making it a better place to be, piece by piece.
It´s the contribution to other humans. And I´m beyond grateful for it.
Let´s stick to this journey. We have more seas to sail.
Cheers friend,
- Alex.
⚔️ What I´ve worked on this week
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, and also the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create on a daily basis.
Only valuable stuff, that´s my oath.
📸 Instagram 📹Youtube #️⃣ Twitter ✨ TikTok
✏️ Previous Life Brew
Hey, you might want to check it out =)
Gal Gadot was right: We Follow The Odds, We Crash Our Course.
💭 The Lonely Reflection
In the tapestry of life,
There is a thread that weaves the divine.
A whisper in the midst of chaos,
a gentle grace, and that is magic
that is given to us.
(extract from “Some Words For Your Soul”)
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
🧭 If you enjoyed what you read and found real value, please, be my guest and share your read with a friend or special person.
⏯️ If this blissful talk was sent to you, stick to the journey, and consider subscribing for more life stories, lessons, chats, and so much more!
Thanks for tuning in. Let´s make this time a great one.
See you on the next Life Brew, until then:
Quite the lessons!
Love every edition that goes out! Superb work Alex =)