Remember: this is a newsletter made for the driven minds. Reply to this email with anything you created, consumed, or thought about this week.
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Tame your mind, save your life.
Quite the phrase, isn´t it?
Well, it´s no secret that in our modern era, knowledge, at least in some way,
is our current weapon.
To make changes happen.
Grow brands, grow an audience, contact new people, start a project…
There´s a catch, though: you need clarity to leverage that knowledge.
Clarity is what aids you in taming your mind.
Dan Koe talks a lot… A LOT about this concept: mental aesthetics.
And by definition: is being pretty from the inside.
But it´s more than pretty.
It´s being a constant alignment machine.
How do you develop this?
Alignment emerges once you´ve construct clarity.
With your thoughts.
They all become one.
For starters, it´s all messy.
You might or might not have any idea of how to start.
That´s why we developed words such as discipline, grind, reset…
They are all great terms, although most of the times we consider them as a recipe for our pain points.
That´s not the good stuff we are looking for.
We first must define then these terms as a guide for our vision & energy.
I get it, sometimes using our pain points as fuel to be rigid and start taming our minds, controlling ourselves, guiding our actions… sometimes it is useful.
But if we aim for the long run, there´s not a BIG WIN in it for us. Only more pain points to swallow and transform.
The key sauce.
Start training your mind to find peace despite the fear.
Because a mind aligned to pain is a mind aligned to disaster.
You might not love how it feels to read 20 pages per day.
To write every single night on your personal notebook.
To take courses and watch some learning sessions in between your working hours.
But you´ll get to love it if… ONLY IF…
You make this taming stick by using a positive aligned vision, not one anchored in proving something or even yourself that you can make from the miserable something good.
That´s not your call.
Remember, the only way to nurture your mind with real value is to give it a real, solid, purpose.
- Alex
🎬 Review
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, as well as the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create each week.
I only create videos that serve this purpose: help build a community of driven minds passionate for learning, growth, wellness and wisdom.
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✍🏻 Previous Letter
➥ Hey, in case you didn’t read it, here is last week´s newsletter edition.
Expect only quality material inside :)
🧠 Reflection
When working for those dreams of yours
you´ll need to leave behind the person you once were.
That´s called resilience, truth, and alignment.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
➥ If you enjoyed what you read and found real value, please, be my guest and share your read with a friend or special person.
➥ If this letter was sent to you, stick to the journey. Consider subscribing for more carefully crafted insights, life stories & business reflections.
Thanks for reading the letter! I´ll keep delivering these notes on business and life with the best actionable value for you.
I´ll see you next week, here, in the Driven Minds Newsletter.