The Appearance of Meaning: The False Image We Pursue.
Which one we choose: connecting or mere desiring?
We surf the Internet like sharks, waiting to catch the very next video, advice, tool, process, or life vision that we would want to achieve.
Then, we go and ask ourselves: why can't I have it? Why? If I could reach or get “y”, “x”, or “z”, I'd finally have some fulfillment.
This phenomenon is the well-known analogy of the infinite run on the treadmill. However, this is not what I'm aiming for with this chat.
We'll cover a simple yet forgotten word that has been erased from our minds and even though we think we have it present, we don't -feeling.
We know why the type of thinking shown above is a problem. Don't we? Appearances lure us into feasible traps, which are difficult to escape but not to enter.
I understand: we are humans, we fall into diversions from time to time, but this is not an excuse to fall. Could be a logical reason, but not an excuse.
Do you want to know why our present generation is feeling so alone, even though we are now more connected than ever? We don't need crazy math for figuring this out.
I believe this could be a potential reason: S-U-P-E-R-F-I-C-I-A-L-I-T-Y.
Superficiality gives us “false meaning”, false connection, endangered progress. Just look around the next time you sit at a cafe, at a lunch table at school, or while you walk down the busy streets of your city or community.
How much connection do you feel? How much energy? How much monotony?
That's the problem speaking right in front of us. We have banished away any feeling we take with ourselves about how something looks, but not if it's worth trying out or using.
We immediately analyze anyone by the way they present to us, not making an effort to visualize the background or inner picture they have with them.
We appear to feel, but we feel nothing that can direct us toward a meaning; we just create unmeaningful meaning.
Today´s society has pushed us into blocking away the connection that proceeds with feeling. Too many social norms. Is it good or bad? Act like this, behave or think like this and you'll be all right. No, you are not connecting, you are cutting loose all connection.
We think that behaving and acting alone can decipher many things, and it can, but we aren't alone completely.
There's a huge difference between “alonement” and solitude; and we'll cover this topic on another brew, as it links with our society feeling problem.
So then, how do we change this? We need to feel, to connect again, but it seems like a hard task to embrace. it's not. You can go right now and leave your phone behind, get outside, and stare at the sky or grass, or people. It's not that difficult, right?
Simple, but not easy. Appreciating the details is knowing what your true needs are, and not confusing them with the tools you have, that have slowly suffocated your feeling capacity.
Analyze how the reality you are living defers from the one you consume, think, or would like. Start changing those petit pieces of information store them, and ask if a change is needed; if you feel okay with them, or if it is just seeming okay.
We perceive but we do not observe. We think but do not feel. We envy but do not care for connecting with what's presented to us. We must change that, and we can, 1 connection a day.
The Weekly Update
📚 I´m currently reading a book written by a friend of mine — Jorge Burgos (incredible director/designer/writer), it´s called “Take the Gun”, and what´s fascinating about its content is the way we can extrapolate future outcomes with the mental and physical state we are in today. I´m currently almost on chapter 2 of the book, and so far, so good. It´ll be great to share the many wonders it might bring to my head in the next weeks.
💡 Simple but not easy. It´s a frequent thought that wanders through my head every time I perceive any kind of situation as achievable, valuable, or needed. Do not confuse the two of them.
💭 Only in the storm will you be able to trust your boat. Reflect on that. You prepare for facing the obstacles life might put in, but it´s not until you´ve experienced some of them that you realize how strong, how fast, how smooth, or how precious your person is. Focus on working for these obstacles; only then you can reassure your value.
What I´ve worked on this week

You can find the journey here. =)
Previous Life Brew
Hey, you might want to check it out =)
The Lonely Reflection
Protect your mind. Own it.
Do not let the external mess the internal.
Thanks for tuning in. Let´s make this time a great one.
See you on the next life brew, until then: