To @valiantpoet, (David Nana). A person who I feel blessed to have met. A person who inspires me to do better. To be better. To spread good. A brother who has taught me that life has its own lessons and stories waiting for us. David, thank you for letting me be part of this journey. We have so much to learn from you, and I know God will help us sail far. Godspeed, brother.
Imagine your life as a big, big universe.
All the planets, all the intricate systems that thread that beaming essence of yours.
Each galaxy having its own rhythm. Its own voice. Its own magic.
Now, you start contemplating how big your life can get. How marvelous the opportunities it offers to you.
You have all these different scenarios to choose from, many adventures to carry on.
Such invaluable treasures to call… home.
But you still get disturbed by a little star that doesn´t beam as powerful as the others.
Or you get stressed out about the colors of a galaxy you see in the distance.
Bothered by the fact that it all seems so big for you to live it completely and deeply.
And now, all that was once a wonderful view for a young soul, turns out to be a universe in need of aid and constant change.
What happened?
You seemed happy. Full of life. You saw your own life as a universe in which you would give your story a try.
Now you are just paralyzed. Thinking about what or who stole that little smile in your heart.
Well, it´s not too late to catch that thief.
Because all the happiness that was taken from you can be recovered fast.
But you still need to seek who the thief was.
Deep down, you are scared to see the truth that lies behind.
Too scared to pronounce any sound.
To scare to open the wound and discover,
that behind your mask… the thief lies.
Most of the time, our own perceptions deceive our actions.
Most of the time we are the ones stealing the happiness from our lives. We think we can be better, or do better, or get better, or deserve better.
Or even the contrary of said vision. We put a value on all that happens in our story.
We get so obsessed with trying to make everything look a certain way, everything to feel the way we intend it to be… that we lose sight of the truth: life was not made for us.
We were made for life. And all we shall seek is to embrace the stories it has reserved for us.
We simply need to guide our actions. Not let them be affected by our perceptions of the world around us.
We can restore the happiness that was taken from us, and we can decide to stop the thief who stole our happiness, once and for all.
Thanks for reading the letter,
World of Words.
🎬 Review
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, and also the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create on a daily basis.
I only create videos that serve this purpose: help build a community of driven minds passionate for learning, growth, wellness and wisdom.
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✍🏻 Previous Letter
➥ Hey, in case you didn’t receive it, here is last week´s newsletter edition.
Expect a high-quality read inside.
🧠 Reflection
Perception is what kills our actions.
Action is what ignites our motivation.
Don´t fool yourself with false realities.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
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Thanks for reading the letter! I promise more to come.
See you on the next edition of the Driven Minds, until then:
Loving these letters!