📚 How have you spent your weekend lately? Any stories or recommendations you might want to share? Just hit me up on my socials! Sharing and learning =)
On trust and the perseverance of your craft
You know those days when your work doesn't feel right anymore when all of a sudden you start losing trust in that sketched vision?
Well, child, I'm here to tell you … it’s worth it. I can't promise it'll be in the end, because that's the lesson you are here to unveil, but I can tell you, up to this present moment, it's worth it.
Think about how many care for you. How many people you can inspire. How much fun there is, even if it can't last for too long. There are plenty of motives to keep moving. To keep dreaming, to keep caring and living.
So please, don't leave it all behind. Just breathe, and recharge. Repurpose. Rethink. But do not feel like giving it all a definitive break.
On the mundane
Some people denominated themselves as creatives. And base creativity based on originality, on authenticity. Yes, these last two concepts are more than important. But they are not unique. Let me explain.
Creativity is everywhere. We are all creatives. Some can do magic with numbers, others with intrinsic concepts, and others with words! What we all have in common, is the mundane. The “ordinary”.
Some of the best moves you can do in life are finding joy and curiosity in the mundane. A change of recipe, a new app, a new software, a new magical formula, a new… “new”.
What are you waiting for? Share something that can stand as normal but that can potentially spark a good story. Let me hear it! =)
On lessening the weight
We know how hard truths can hit. We know how complicated our feelings and emotions might be.
And certainly, we feel endangered to live them, to experience them. So why would we let anybody know about them? Know their existence? We have opted to bury any sign of them.
You don´t have to fight alone, you don´t have to walk alone, and you don´t have to cry alone.
Ah, just one more thing, if you want to continue improving your mental state, your focus, and overall, your presence of mind, join me and a deep community of learners that aim to construct a life on intention and depth.
We´ll chat later on this week´s life brew, so stay tuned for that. As always…
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Weekly Snippet 💡 - On perseverance, the art of the mundane, and why you shouldn't battle alone.
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New week, new snippet.
📚 How have you spent your weekend lately? Any stories or recommendations you might want to share? Just hit me up on my socials! Sharing and learning =)
On trust and the perseverance of your craft
Well, child, I'm here to tell you … it’s worth it. I can't promise it'll be in the end, because that's the lesson you are here to unveil, but I can tell you, up to this present moment, it's worth it.
Think about how many care for you. How many people you can inspire. How much fun there is, even if it can't last for too long. There are plenty of motives to keep moving. To keep dreaming, to keep caring and living.
So please, don't leave it all behind. Just breathe, and recharge. Repurpose. Rethink. But do not feel like giving it all a definitive break.
On the mundane
Some people denominated themselves as creatives. And base creativity based on originality, on authenticity. Yes, these last two concepts are more than important. But they are not unique. Let me explain.
Creativity is everywhere. We are all creatives. Some can do magic with numbers, others with intrinsic concepts, and others with words! What we all have in common, is the mundane. The “ordinary”.
Some of the best moves you can do in life are finding joy and curiosity in the mundane. A change of recipe, a new app, a new software, a new magical formula, a new… “new”.
What are you waiting for? Share something that can stand as normal but that can potentially spark a good story. Let me hear it! =)
On lessening the weight
We know how hard truths can hit. We know how complicated our feelings and emotions might be.
And certainly, we feel endangered to live them, to experience them. So why would we let anybody know about them? Know their existence? We have opted to bury any sign of them.
You don´t have to fight alone, you don´t have to walk alone, and you don´t have to cry alone.
I won´t talk much longer, let me know your thoughts, would love to hear them! =)
We´ll chat later on this week´s life brew, so stay tuned for that. As always…
Stay Happy 💭