fix this bottleneck in your relationships. ASAP.
Notes on finding your tribe, building a strong vision, and creating momentum.
Remember: this is a newsletter made for the driven minds. Reply to this email with anything you created, consumed, or thought about this week.
➥ And hey, if you are new here, consider subscribing to the Creative Founder
and DRIVEN MINDS⚡ newsletter as it helps us produce more meaningful and valuable content for you!
Have you found your tribe?
That´s one of the most vulnerable questions you can ask another human.
We aim to build alongside others.
Stretch our boundaries in the group.
But sometimes we think our tribe is already defined.
By our past actions.
By who we talked to first.
By the norms that have been imposed.
But it couldn´t be farther from the truth.
We get to choose our tribe.
That´s how you make sure you leverage your life´s circumstances.
Because leverage is as much about where you are standing as how much force you are applying.
Find your place.
It´s easy to dream big and build each one of your life´s projects and pretend that your inner circle, the people you surround yourself with, and even the people you create with… will stay the same.
Spoiler alert: they won´t stay the same.
And that´s actually good.
They grow.
Your job is to find the people who grow around a path, vision, and morals that wrap around your idea of a successful and meaningful life.
Because you don´t want to build your life with people that just diminish the magic it can have.
A leader chooses the best minds to do the task.
Well, you are the leader in your life.
You better choose the right ones.
Your surroundings will dictate the quality of work you put in, the overall value you can afford to give, and the quality of life you are able to live.
Find your place by aiming relentlessly to build alongside those driven individuals.
You´ll find they are a rare treasure in this world.
You better keep them.
- Alex - Alf
🎬 Review
Here is a glimpse of the work we did during the week, as well as the links to our pages (Alf Viktor, Alex León) if you´d like to immerse more in the work we create each week.
✍🏻 Previous Letter
➥ Hey, in case you didn’t read it, here is last week´s newsletter edition.
Expect only quality material inside :)
🧠 Reflection
Only when you´ve defined your pillars,
will your life start to seem
a little bit more fun, thrilling, and inspiring.
Start today.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
➥ If you enjoyed what you read and found real value, please, be my guest and share your read with a friend or special person.
➥ If this letter was sent to you, stick to the journey. Consider subscribing for more carefully crafted insights, life stories & business reflections.
Thanks for reading the letter! I promise more to come.
We´ll see you next week.
Blessing to know you Alex. Thanks!