I have a question for you.
What is the first special thing that comes to your mind when ask you yourself about last year?
A thought that makes you whole… it can probably be somewhere between the lines of: a great laugh I had with my friends last summer, or that last trip I made to this jaw-dropping place …
A great talk I had with my parents … the project launch I finally convinced myself to make it a reality…
In my case… I recall most of these experiences that brought me a sense of peace. A tender laugh with friends outside class…
Or the thrilling and so dreamt-of experience of finally graduating and entering the new “college” era…
I recall most of the experiences that made me feel alive. And I´m sure you´d answer those too.
All of these experiences are what makes us human. And they all have in common one thing: in those moments… you feel alive not because they are a dream story for you, but because somehow you don´t feel… alone.
Reality check: we fear being alone.
And it´s comprehensible. We are humans. We were designed to be around other humans too.
And even if you feel like you are the type of person who hates connecting or engaging with others… let me tell you, this right here, you reading these lines… is proof that you still crave being heard, being comprehended, and ultimately… feeling like you are not alone in this world.
Why do you think there´s a saying that goes: “If you want to go faster, go alone. If you want to go further, go together.”
There´s a reason for it: our best experiences are the ones we can feel connected to something: to a purpose, to a vivid dream, to the world… to life itself.
And even though we think we might be more connected than ever… having so many possibilities not to feel “alone” these days doesn´t mean we can´t be alone most of the time. Or that we shouldn´t.
Being alone is a superpower.
That comes at a price.
Of course, we need other people… we need a special bond with those that ignite our world.
But we need some time alone too.
➯ Time to re-order our thoughts.
➯ To comprehend what we want.
➯ What we are.
Being alone is what we fear most because we cannot realize it´s the deepest way to know ourselves and to give others meaningful experiences.
Being alone is the only thing that can make us appreciate each experience we live because we can know why and how to do it.
In a sense… we sometimes are a mess. A beautiful, imperfect mess. We want to share experiences, we want to feel connected, we want to feel love and appreciation.
But at the same time, we fear losing all of it… we fear not deserving those things because we think we want or should have other things in our lives.
Our fear of being alone is what pushes us to live new stories with our friends
To ask that person out.
To be brave enough to experience some of what the world has to offer us.
And at the same time, it´s what can crumble our insides if we lack clarity to seek who we really are, and what stories we wanna share.
So, today I invite you to have some time alone.
Because clarity in every aspect you can possibly imagine is the biggest reward in this world, in this life.
Take a few minutes after this read.
Go out and admire nature.
Talk to yourself about this.
Make some room in your mental space.
Don´t fear being alone. You´ll never will.
Because if you can be confident enough with yourself, you are always connected to a purpose that pushes you to discover new interesting stories to share.
Take care.
🎬 Review
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, and also the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create on a daily basis.
I only create videos that serve this purpose: help build a community of driven minds passionate for learning, growth, wellness and wisdom.
📸 Instagram 📹Youtube #️⃣ Twitter ✨ TikTok
✍🏻 Previous Letter
➥ Hey, in case you didn’t receive it, here is last week´s newsletter edition.
Expect a high-quality read inside.
🧠 Reflection
One of the biggest feats in this life
Is having control over what you think,
what you say,
and what you do.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
➥ If you enjoyed what you read and found real value, please, be my guest and share your read with a friend or special person.
➥ If this letter was sent to you, stick to the journey. Consider subscribing for more carefully crafted insights, stories & reflections.
Remember: this is a newsletter made for the driven minds. Reply to this email with anything you created, consumed, or thought about this week.
Thanks for reading the letter! I promise more to come.
See you on the next edition of the Driven Minds Newsletter, until then:
Thank you for your thought-provoking words and for the reminder to cherish the moments of solitude that allow us to connect more deeply with ourselves and with the world. I look forward to continuing to follow your journey and immerse myself in the valuable insights you share.
Interesting words. In order to think clearly, it is important to be in a quiet place, specially nowadays that the life pace is so fast and there are so many distractors, but in the loneliness is where one can have this special moment and find the "perfect quiet place" to find this clarity of mind.