To , one of the greatest creators, thinkers, and writers that feed my socials´ algorithm each day. He is the inspiration that boosts my eagerness and pleasure for learning, reading, and writing. Thank you so much for changing lives and minds, friend, one reflection at a time.
Hard times. Easy times. They only have one thing in common.
Solitude is not something new in our world.
It has been present since the great beginnings of humanity. It is the echo that carries our incessant thoughts from one place to another. Carrying with it conversations that in one way or another, we could not have at another time.
Since the origins of art and literature, that feeling to be able to express what we are, what we think, and what we long for… has always been present.
That is why we often see stories that are twisted, confused, scattered; but without a doubt, they represent great feats.
They are written and drawn by the impeccable quality of masterminds.
However, today, despite technological advances, despite the reunions with our legacy and past, we continue to forget one of the most important pillars that we have as humanity: the connection with ourselves.
This connection was what allowed the development of the arts as we know them. It was the one that allowed great creators like the Wright brothers or Steve Jobs to develop machines capable of meeting our most ambitious goals and desires.
This connection allowed unparalleled geniuses and minds such as Leonardo DaVinci or Nikola Tesla to develop ideas of a world different from ours and extrapolate them to reality itself, laying the foundations for what we believe possible today.
This internal connection is what has borne many fruits for the people we most admire. It is the one thing that has given incredible rewards to those agents of change. But unfortunately, it is being lost. And at fast rates.
The capacity that we have to be able to be involved in our own thoughts, in our own existence, we call it introspection.
Well, to reach levels where we feel comfortable with our ideas, with our existence, we need spaces and times of solitude.
This solitude requires great effort.
A sacrifice that we must pay if we want to manage to develop a version of ourselves capable of not flinching before the changes in life, before the different expressions that plague our days, and before all the volatile thoughts that arise in our lives, our mind.
Solitude is being at peace when you exist only with yourself. Loneliness is the fear of discovering our reality: at one time or another, we will be alone. And that is terrifying.
That is so terrifying.
It is terrifying because we have lost the capacity for attention, reflection, and appreciation for the world around us. We are uncomfortable with the idea of thinking, speaking, and co-existing in our world of ideas and reality.
Even being able to be present and feel the passing of life is something unknown to us, most of the time.
Loneliness grows more every day.
Solitude, despite being a great human capacity, we are letting it lose by wanting not to confront ourselves.
Because yes, that's how it is. Solitude requires you to do your best.
It requires you to expand and train your entity.
It forces you to integrate new visions and ideas.
It pushes you to share your time, and not suffer it.
Not only that, it requires you to strengthen your energy.
Your body.
Your soul.
Solitude is a skill that allows you to understand yourself and others, it serves as a bridge to lead by example.
It is not easy for anyone to be the captain of the ship, taking it to a successful port costs a lot of work.
The best way to heal is by mastering our own domains.
The best way to progress is by accepting our reality.
The best way to prosper in life is by being at peace with the present, with what we hear and live every day.
Loneliness may be taking up many spaces in our lives, but if we learn to be alone, we will understand the value that we carry within, the connection that overcomes barriers, and the person with whom we needed to reconcile long ago.
Thanks for reading the letter,
- Alex
World of Words.
⚔️ What I´ve worked on this week
Here is a glimpse of the work I did during the week, and also the links to my socials if you´d like to immerse more in the content I create on a daily basis.
Only valuable stuff, that´s my oath.
📸 Instagram 📹Youtube #️⃣ Twitter ✨ TikTok
✏️ Previous Life Brew
Hey, you might want to check it out =)
The Comforting Pain You Are Living In (Part 1)
💭 The Lonely Reflection
When you seek inspiration,
remember how far you´ve come,
how many people you have helped and impacted,
and how magnificent your dreams are.
That should be enough.
Before we wrap this talk, just a quick reminder:
🧭 If you enjoyed what you read and found real value, please, be my guest and share your read with a friend or special person.
⏯️ If this letter was sent to you, stick to the journey, and consider subscribing for more letters, life stories, lessons, chats, and so much more!
Thanks for reading the letter! I promise more to come =).
See you on the next Life Brew, until then:
This reminded me of several wonderful conversations between me and my husband about the importance of having a healthy relationship with yourself. We also frequently discuss the importance of solitude, being alone with yourself, and the need to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
So much of our lives we run from discomfort when it’s the perfect indicator for where we are in relation to where we want to be!
Today, I am very uncomfortable and I have several thoughts as to why. But the truth is I’m learning to pay attention to the deep need I carry inside. There are so many desires to live in a way that creates a healthy space for others to grow and heal, but that environment cannot be developed without me doing it for myself first.
These are the thoughts your story triggered in me.
I don’t really feel lonely, however, I do not feel content either. Deciding what is the absolute best use of my time when I have nothing pressing on me for my attention is the issue.
These are the questions I continue to ask:
What do I want to do today?
What needs done today?
What’s the most important thing I could do today?
God, What do you say needs done today?
God, What are you doing and how can I participate?
Sometimes I get a strong impression or urge after these questions and other times not. But I am growing in my ability to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. And I do greatly value my alone time.
Just my thoughts after reading 😇